Kata General Resources
Web Pages:
Below are webpages which have additional technical and historical information about the kata, as well as event calendars and other pertinent information. Some of the most pertinent information from these pages is also linked below on this page.
Kodokan Text Books and Technical Manuals:
These manuals are the authoritative guide to the modern performance of the kata and serve as the basis for the IJF Standards.
IJF Judging Criteria and Scoring Guidelines:
See also the USA Judo Kata Standards and Judging Page
Kodokan Instructional Videos:
These videos are also considered an authoritative guide to the modern performance of the kata and are referenced in the IJF Standards.
Nage no Kata
Katame no Kata
Kime no Kata
Kodokan Goshin Jutsu
Ju no Kata
Other Videos:
The following videos and resources, although not considered authoritative instructional videos for purposes of US and IJF Standards and competition, are excellent resources for those wishing to enhance their general knowledge and performance of the kata.
IJF Kata World Championship 2015, Day 1 Preliminaries (Nage, Katame, Ju)
IJf Kata World Championships 2015, Finals
IJF Kata World Championship 2015, Day 2 Preliminaries (Goshin Jutsu, Kime)
IJF Kata World Championship 2015, Day 2 Finals
There are a wide range of videos available on YouTube and social media which are excellent resources for study. In addition to the official Kodokan and IJF resources, high quality videos of finalists at the IJF Kata World Championships are easily found and make excellent guides for study for aspiring competitors. Recent results can be found here.
For assistance locating additional videos and information contact Robert Gouthro (rgouth@gmail.com).