• Junior Athlete Resources
  • Junior National Ranking Rosters
  • Junior Selection Procedures
  • Junior Athlete Funding Criteria
  • Age Waiver Information
  • Additional Athlete Resources

USA Judo Point Roster Criteria#

Effective January 6, 2022

  • Athlete rosters will be checked at the beginning of each month for current USA Judo membership.
  • Athletes will be notified via email that their membership is due to expire in the respective month and they have until the last day of the month to renew. This is considered your grace period.
  • If the athlete does not renew by the last day of the month, they will be removed from the roster and any points earned/listed will not be reinstated if the athlete renews after being removed.
  • If the athlete is removed from the roster due to lapsed membership and they renew after the 30 days, any points earned at events from the time of renewal will be recorded.
  • Any athlete, whose membership has/will lapsed during this month period and is selected/approved for an event representing the United States during this grace period, the athlete MUST renew their membership within 24 hours of selection notification by/to the national office. Failure to do so will result in them not being approved for participation.
  • Competition in Novice categories does not earn points on the USA Judo national roster (regardless of citizenship).
  • As long as an athlete meets the criteria of the International Judo Federation’s (IJF) refugee program and is currently approved with proof of documentation/acceptance from the IJF to participate in this program, then the athlete may compete at USA Judo sanctioned point events and earn points on the USA Judo national roster.
  • If a category is split into light and heavy due to weight disparities, only the heavier weight division will be awarded points.
  • Any athlete who wishes to be placed on the USA Judo national roster must have both U.S. Citizenship or approved IJF refugee status and Date Of Birth documentation verified and listed on the athletes' USA Judo membership profile.
  • Athletes may earn points in multiple categories but will only be selected/approved in their true age/weight category for international competition.