Jack YonezukaSix Nations to Battle for Mixed Team Gold at the New York Open on SaturdayMar. 21, 2023, 10:25 AM (ET)by Nicole JomantasTo see sponsored ads, please enable JavaScript.Loading...This experience requires JavaScript.Loading...This experience requires JavaScript.Read More#Jack Yonezuka Places Seventh at Dushanbe Grand SlamMay 6, 2024Yonezuka and Semenenko Win Double Junior European Cup GoldAug 15, 2023Jack Yonezuka Keeps Paris in Sight with Top-32 Finish at Senior WorldsMay 20, 2024USA Judo Membership Update LetterFeb 1, 2023Jack Yonezuka Earns First Top-Five Grand Slam Result for a U.S. Man Since 2015Oct 26, 2023