Report a Concern to USA Judo

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USA Judo is committed to maintaining cooperative work, training and sports environments in which there exists mutual respect for all athletes, team managers, managers, coaches, referees and other officials, and for all USA Judo directors, officers, employees and volunteers. USA Judo is committed to creating a safe and positive environment for its athletes and participants involved in the sport, free of misconduct.

USA Judo SafeSport HandBook

All reports of sexual misconduct in the National Governing Bodies of the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Movements must be reported to the U.S. Center for SafeSport. Reports of child abuse require reporting to law enforcement ASAP, as well as the U.S. Center for SafeSport. All reports of MAAPP violations, non-sexual misconduct and other ethics and grievance complaints should be reported to USA Judo.

All USA Judo members are required to adhere to the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP).

These MAAPP Policies include the following areas:

  • One-on-One Interactions, including meetings and individual training sessions (Covered Organizations are required to establish reasonable procedures to limit one-on-one interactions, as set forth in federal law)
  • Massages and rubdowns/athletic training modalities
  • Locker rooms and changing areas
  • Social media and electronic communications
  • Local travel
  • Team travel

If you believe an individual who has regular contact as defined by USA Judo and/or has authority of a minor athlete and is not following the MAAPP guidelines and has frequent contact with a minor, please fill out a form to the Center or to USA Judo below. For USA Judo’s definition of “frequent contact with minors” and more details regarding the the full list of the MAAPP guidelines, please view this document: ATHLETE ABUSE PREVENTION POLICIES

CLICK HERE to report sexual misconduct to the Center. Reports can also be made to the Center at 833-587-7233. For any questions/concerns for USA Judo related to SafeSport, please contact USA Judo Membership and Athlete Safety Manager, Austin Leath, at 719-866-3621 or .

USA Judo recognizes it can be difficult to report an allegation of misconduct and strives to remove as many barriers to reporting as possible.

Anonymous reports may be made without the formality of completing an Incident Report Form:

  • by completing the Reporting Form without including their name; or
  • by expressing concerns verbally to the USA Judo Membership and Athlete Safety Manager, Austin Leath.

Anonymous reporting may make it difficult for USA Judo to investigate or properly address allegations. Report any MAAPP violations or non-sexual misconduct complaints to USA Judo using the form below.