Pan American Open Chile
Jul 26, 2014 - Jul 27, 2014
Team USA is currently in Santiago, Chile’s capital, at the first IJF event ever held in the country. Day 1 of the tournament has concluded and our team’s performance for the day was successful with three medals: 2 silver and one bronze. Congratulations!
2nd Place: KUNIHIRO, Aaron -60 kg
3rd Place: DESILETS, Everet -73 kg
2nd Place: DELGADO, Angelica -52 kg
2nd Place: CARMICHAEL, Hana -57 kg
On day 2 of the Pan American Open in Santiago, Chile, Team USA finished the tournament with great results. Our athletes represented well as they collected 3 silver and 5 bronze medals throughout the weekend.
3nd Place: BROWN, Colton -90 kg
3rd Place: TADEHARA, Ajax -100 kg
3rd Place: IMINOV, Akbarzhan +100 kg
3rd Place: AKIYAMA, Leilani -63 kg