USA Judo Announces the 2021 Senior World Championships Team


by USA Judo

World Championships 2021 logo

Below are the athletes who will compete at the 2021 Senior World Championships in Budapest, Hungary June 6-12, 2021.

Be sure to follow along on social as we support our athletes at the last qualifying tournament for the Tokyo Olympic Games!

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  • Women:
    1. Angelica Delgado – 52kg
    2. Katelyn Jarrell – 52kg
    3. Amelia Fulgentes – 57kg
    4. Mariah Holguin – 57kg
    5. Alisha Galles – 63kg
    6. Sara Golden – 63kg
    7. Chantal Wright – 70kg
    8. Nefeli Papadakis – 78kg
    9. Nina Cutro-Kelly – 78+kg

  • Men:
    1. Adonis Diaz – 60kg
    2. Ari Berliner – 66kg
    3. Nick Delpopolo – 81kg
    4. Arthur "Kyle" Wright – 81kg
    5. Colton Brown – 90kg
    6. John Jayne – 90kg
    7. L.A. Smith – 100kg
    8. Nate Keeve – 100kg
    9. Ruben Martin – 100+kg


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