USA Judo Youth National Championships COVID Update


by USA Judo

UPDATED: April 7, 2021


USA Judo Youth Nationals Championships Logo

Dear USA Judo Members,

Since sending the below message last week, we have had further consultation with the USA Judo Medical Advisory Committee (MAC), the Utah Health Department and Access Labs resulting in the following updates for you:

USA Judo Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) Updates

After much consideration and deliberation, the MAC recommends that PCR tests be required prior to participants’ departures, whether fully vaccinated or not. The rationale behind this is as follows:

  • The USA Judo Youth Nationals is a large group event that will include participants from around the United States at a time when COVID cases are increasing in 19 states (as of today). COVID vaccination has been shown to decrease moderate to severe COVID, however the transmission of COVID and mild COVID infections after vaccination is still being studied. Also, it is too early to tell how the COVID vaccine will react to the new variants of the COVID-19 Virus that are appearing across the nation.
  • The 72 hour pre-travel PCR will help prevent those who have COVID positive tests from traveling from their hometown and infecting others as well as additional expenses and quarantine time in Utah.

Therefore, the policy remains in place to require ALL participants to produce a negative PCR test 72 hours prior to registration for youth nationals. ​ Participants who have tested positive for COVID in the last 90 days are excluded from PCR and antigen testing, however will need to show proof of original positive test result and date as well as medical clearance from your physician that it is safe for you to return to sport and no longer infectious. We understand that this decision creates an inconvenience and will not be popular among some USA Judo Members, but we do believe this is the best way to conduct a safe event for all involved and is consistent with other contact sport COVID policies.

Utah Health Dept. Updates

  • The Utah Health Department will be administering the COVID Rapid Antigen Testing at the Olympic Oval FREE OF CHARGE. Anyone entering the competition venue must be tested one time upon their arrival to Salt Lake City. You will need to preregister for your antigen COVID test at the designated times allotted below via this link: Utah Health Dept Redcap Link.
  • Below are the rapid antigen testing times:
    • Thursday (4/22) - 10:00am – 11:00am at the Embassy Suites for staff, referees and volunteers ​only
    • Friday (4/23) - 7:00am – 1:00pm at the Olympic Oval
    • Saturday (4/24) – 7:30am – 1:00pm at the Olympic Oval
  • The Utah Health Department has commended the policies put in place by USA Judo and acknowledge the difficulties in hosting an event with the ever-changing information that is released regarding COVID Protocols.

Access Labs Updates

  • To clarify, you do NOT have to use Access Labs if you have another PCR Testing option that may be cheaper and still provide you the results you need 72 hours prior to registration in Salt Lake City.
  • If you want to receive the Access Labs bulk discount rate ($49) where packages of five testing kits are sent to ONE location in ONE package and are returned in ONE package to the Lab, please follow these instructions:
    • When ordering a bulk order (must be in quantities of 5 – 5/10/15, etc.), use the same link as mentioned previously ( ), but enter the following purchase login in the “Physicians Login Circle”: Username: National1 Passcode: JudoChamp
    • To register your bulk order testing kits on-line, please follow the same registration directions listed below/attached for individual test orders.
  • For individual test orders, all information remains the same as outlined below/attached.
    • It is extremely IMPORTANT that you follow all steps in the Access Labs testing process and instructions, including sending your Lab Kit ID Card with your sample AND registering your Kit ID Card Number online prior to shipping the sample(s) back to Access Labs. Not doing so may delay or prevent you from getting your test results in a timely manner.

For those of you who are more visual learners, we have also attached a flow chart to simplify the procedures outlined in these two e-mails. Please contact Corinne Shigemoto with questions at 719-201-6176 or Our sincere thanks goes out to the nearly 300 individuals who have registered for the event as of today. We recognize the extra work necessary to conduct a safe event for all involved and thank you for your additional efforts!



USA Judo Youth Nationals Championships Logo

Dear USA Judo Members,

I hope this finds you healthy and well. As we prepare for the 2021 Youth National Championships next month, I want to give you an update of where we stand in terms of COVID Testing and logistics. I know this is a long e-mail, but there is a lot of information to share, so please read it in its entirety. As always, USA Judo’s number one priority is the safety of its members. To that end, we have been working closely with USA Judo’s Medical Committee and local organizers to create and implement protocols to conduct a safe event. We have also interviewed nearly a dozen labs to find the easiest, most affordable testing options possible. We will still require the negative PCR Test result prior to arriving at registration in Salt Lake City and will also conduct rapid antigen testing on site in at the Olympic Oval during registration. Costs for the PCR testing are the responsibility of individuals attending the Youth Nationals and the costs of the rapid antigen testing will be covered by USA Judo. Because of the additional expense of rapid antigen testing, USA Judo will not be able to reimburse members the up to $15/per person as originally planned due to the finite budget in place for COVID Testing. Should that change, we will pass along whatever savings we may have left as reimbursement to participants for their PCR tests.

We have heard the concerns from members about the ability to secure a PCR Test result 72 hours before arriving at registration in Salt Lake City. If you have a way to access local PCR Testing within the timeframe required (and hopefully at no charge), you don’t need to pursue the following option unless you want to. Participants should have their results BEFORE flying to Salt Lake City to avoid getting quarantined in Utah and burdened with additional hotel expenses, etc.

USA Judo has found the following affordable solution for members with Access Labs who provide COVID testing for the NCAA, other NGBs, USOPC and several professional sports and medical organizations. Here are the details:

  • SalivaDirect Individual Test with two-way shipping - $79/each
  • SalivaDirect Standard 5 pack – all shipped & returned in same package - $245 ($49/each)
  • For larger quantities (5 or more) of SalivaDirect tests being sent to/from one location, please reference the second line [BULK ORDERS] in the table below or please contact Brandon O’Connor, Senior National Account Executive for pricing and logistics information at::

Turnaround time guarantee of 12-14 hours after arrival at Access Labs.

Most individuals attending the Youth Nationals will arrive in Salt Lake City on Thursday, April 22 or Friday, April 23 for registration between 8:00am and 12:00pm on April 23. Based on this timeframe, the following is a sample of the step-by-step/day-by-day timelines to process your advance PCR test and receive your on-site rapid antigen COVID test.

Testing Process Timeline For a Friday, April 23 Registration
Date Process Action To Be Taken
April 7 - 19
Go on-line and order/pay for testing kit Go to Access Med Login and enter Username: JudoUSA and Password: Champion in the “Physicians Login Circle” to login and pay for the test(s). Tests will be overnighted upon payment, but do not wait any later than April 19 to order your testing kit. Better to order early and hold onto until time to supply saliva sample and ship back to lab.
NOTE: Individual kits will be ordered/returned as an individual kit.
April 7 - 19
Go on-line and order/pay for bulk order testing kit Go to Access Med Login and enter Username: National1 and Password: JudoChamp in the "Physicians Login Circle" to login and pay for the test(s). Tests will be overnighted upon payment, but do not wait any later than April 19 to order your testing kit. Better to order early and hold onto until time to supply saliva sample and ship back to lab.
NOTE: Bulk order test kits must be ordered/returned as a kit.
Tuesday, April 20 Follow attached instructions to provide saliva sample and return testing kit to Access Labs in order to meet 72-Hour deadline if Registering in SLC Friday April 23. Go to Access Med Login, follow the attached instructions & send sample(s) via UPS to Access Labs.
Wednesday, April 21 Access Lab Receives/Processes Results Results will be sent to individual’s registered e-mail and text #
If negative test, travel to SLC….If positive test result, STAY HOME
Thursday, April 22 Travel Day/Arrive in SLC If negative test, travel to Salt Lake City….If positive test result, STAY HOME
Friday, April 23 Register & Take COVID Rapid Antigen Test Registration to be at the Olympic Oval in Kearns, UT.
Rapid Antigen testing is also mandatory. Testing should only take 15 minutes to produce results (paid for by USA Judo)
Friday, Saturday & Sunday April 24-25 Completion/Submission of USA Judo Health Questionnaire Upon entry to competition venue, health questionnaires must be completed & submitted, temperature will be checked, masks to be worn at all times and rapid antigen testing for those who did not receive one at registration.

If you do not plan to register on Friday, April 23, please plan your testing process accordingly.


  • ALL Parties who will enter the venue (athletes, coaches, parents, referees, spectators, staff, volunteers) must have a negative PCR Test within 72 hours of arrival (and prior to departure to prevent quarantine time and expense in Salt Lake City, should a positive test be presented) and receive a negative rapid antigen test upon arrival at registration or prior to competing.
  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 90 days, you do NOT need to be tested. You DO need to provide evidence of original positive test results from an authorized medical facility, and documentation from a physician that you have been medically cleared as no longer being infectious. You will need to complete the COVID Health Questionnaire at the event.
  • PCR and rapid antigen tests are required even if you have received the vaccination.
  • All attendees must complete and return the USA Judo COVID Health Questionnaire during the registration/check in, weigh in and prior to competition entry. This questionnaire will be provided in hard copy format.
  • Any positive test or any individual showing symptoms of COVID 19, will not be allowed to attend nor participate in the event. If you have any COVID symptoms or test positive prior to departing from your home city, we ask that you do not travel to the event. If you incur COVID symptoms or test positive while in Salt Lake City, we ask that you quarantine immediately and inform USA Judo’s Corinne Shigemoto at 719-201-6176 or so that contact tracing may commence if necessary.
  • Any individual who fails to provide a negative test result or respective positive supporting documentation as outlined above, will not be allowed to compete, or enter the venue. If an individual fails to provide acceptable documentation as outlined above, no expenses incurred for travel/participation to the event will be reimbursed. This includes event registration fees.
  • Individuals, other than athletes, who are approved to attend the event will be given a color-coded wristband that must be worn at all times. Athletes will be marked with a one-time use skin pen. These identifiers must be shown to be allowed in the competition venue/weigh-in areas/registration.
  • Temperature checks will be conducted prior to entering the venue for registration/check-in, weigh in and competition. If temperature is above 100.4, the individual will not be allowed access and will be asked to seek immediate medical attention, including but not limited to quarantine protocols.
  • Hand sanitizer and wipes will be available throughout the hotel and venue and all are encouraged to use them frequently.
  • Masks appropriately covering the nose and mouth must be worn at all times while in the hotel and venue for ALL ATTENDEES (officials, volunteers, USA Judo staff, coaches, spectators, parents, etc.). The only exception is for athletes when they are competing on the mat. Masks shall be removed by the athlete only when they are called onto the mat by the referee and must put the mask back on immediately when they walk off the mat.
  • USA Judo will not provide masks; however, masks will be available to purchase on site.
  • Each competition mat area/warm up area, coaches and on deck athlete chairs, scoring tables, referee tables, weigh in and registration/check in areas will be cleaned with disinfectant at least once every hour. Please be patient with us while we conduct these cleaning measures.
  • We ask that social distancing be followed while in the bleachers/seating areas for non-family members as well as in any lines. There will be no gathering of athletes/coaches/parents allowed inside the barricade and at the barricade surrounding the mats.
  • Only coaches and athletes that are on deck and in the hole will be allowed inside the barricade. If not on the mat, on deck or in the hole, you must be in the seating area.
  • The above criteria may be changed based on the health and safety requirements of the State of Utah, City of Kearns, The Utah Olympic Oval, and or USA Judo.

For questions, please contact USA Judo’s Corinne Shigemoto at 719-201-6176 or

Thank you very much for your patience, assistance and understanding as we all collaborate to safely bring the USA Judo Family back together for our first event since 2019. As we all know, planning events right now is a fluid situation. Should there be any changes to requirements or additional information to share, we will notify the USA Judo Membership ASAP. We look forward to seeing you in Salt Lake City.

Safe Travels,

Keith Bryant
CEO/Executive Director
USA Judo
1 Olympic Plaza
Colorado Springs, CO 80909


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