Hanabi Halloween Classic 2023
Oct 29, 2023 - Oct 29, 2023 | Albany, CA, USA
Where: Albany Middle School 1259 Brighton Ave. Albany, CA 94706
Eligibility: All individuals with current USA Judo
Schedule: 9:00 - 10:00 am Registration for all athletes
9:30 am Referee and Coach’s Meeting
10:00 am Opening Ceremony
10:30 am Tournament Begins
Pooling: Please see attached age and weight categories. Divisions may be combined at the discretion of the tournament committee to optimize competition and safety. Competitors age 10 or under may have coed pools.
Scoring System: Place winners will be determined by wins first, then by points, as follows:
Ippon 5, Waza-ari 3, Shido or Decision 1
Each pool will be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place medals.
Match Time: Matches are 3 minutes with a golden score period of no more than 1-minute except for the Black Belt Divisions. Black Belts will have 4 minute matches with current golden score rules.
Contest Rules: Current IJF rules will be used with the following modifications:
- Mat size will be at least 6 meters with a 3 meter border between mats and 3 meter on outside border
- The CARE system will not be used
- No kansetsu-waza (armlocks) in divisions below black belt
- No shime-waza (chokes) and double knee drop below 13 years of age.
- Competitors who lose by Hansokumake because of “kikengachi” will not be allowed to continue. Hansokumake as a result of 3 shidos will only lose that match.
- Non-Black Belt contestants will be allowed medical examination during their matches.
- Black Belt divisions will use current IJF rules concerning medical examination and Hansokumake. • Women wearing headscarves will be able to compete, as long as it does not interfere with kumikata. If it comes off during newaza, no “Mate” shall be called.
Registration: On-line Registration will be through smoothcomp and can be found at www.hanabijudo.com or at www.smoothcomp.com
Entry Fee*: Before 10/8: $65 per division per athlete
By Oct. 27: $75 per division per athlete
Tournament Director: Dan Augustine- 510-530-8312
* Tournament director reserves the right to modify entry fee based upon special circumstances