Sooner Judo Club Kata Clinic

Aug 12, 2023 - Aug 12, 2023 | Norman, OK, USA

Venue: Sooner Judo Club

117 Skylane Drive

Norman, OK 73071

Date: August 12, 2023 (Saturday)

Time: Registration 8:30, clinic begins at 9:00 AM.

Entry Fee: $10

This will be a clinic over the Nage no Kata, kata principles and etiquette. This clinic will have emphasis on formal presentation of the entire kata for participants who are familiar with the techniques.Open to all current USA Judo and ATJA members. The focus will be on formal presentation of the entire kata for those judoka familiar with the techniques.Registration for this event will be $10.00, payable at the door.Please note that Classen, Porter and Sunnylane are the same road in Norman. Take I 35to the Indian Hills Road exit between Moore and Norman. Go East on Indian Hills Road about 3 milesto Porter (Sunnylane). Go North on Porter approximately 1/8 mile to Skylane. Turn East on Skylaneinto the industrial park. The Ferrell Gas Propane distributor is across the road just North of theentrance where Skylane begins. The Sooner Judo Club Dojo is a red 40x75 two story metal buildingat the East end of the industrial park where Skylane ends. It has the address of 117 and “SJC”painted on the building.
Contact information for the 

Sooner Judo Club Kata ClinicSooner Judo Club Dojo / John Carter, Event Director417 597 4517